Saturday, November 14, 2009

Colleague Software Update Reports

Datatel releases Colleague software updates on a regular basis. They are essentially changes in programming or new programming added to the Colleague software to fix bugs or to add enhancements requested by users.

When we receive software updates, and a few are released every week, AIS evaluates each and every one to make sure it does not confliect with our existing processes and customized programming of our own.

First, we make it a practice to postpone installation of newly-release software updates for at least a month. This allows us to learn from the experience of other schools, as we can monitor responses to updates through the client forums.

Second, we batch up about a month's worth of software updates, review any implications for Saint Mary's College business processes and customizations, and install in a test account. At this time, members of the CORE team receive an email with details about the updates in test. (The CORE team represents most of the administrative departments on campus, and serves to advise AIS on administrative technology issues.) AIS will occasionally advise specific departments if there are significant updates in the works.

It is important to review the software update reports and to test out the changes in the test account and to compare the changes between the old programming in live and the new programming in test.

Finally, after two to four weeks, we install the same updates in our production account (also known as "live"), where it becomes part of our daily processing.

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