Monday, September 27, 2010

What is a FRIEND? A brief explanation of Source Codes

When looking up a PERSON in Colleague, you might occasionally see "Alumni", "Parent" or "Friend".  These are source codes, and are assigned by Development.  Below is an example of three people, each with a different source code. 

Source codes identify a primary relationship with the college, with the most common codes being
1 - Alumni - this indicates a person who is either a former student, or, at certain times of the year, an undergraduate senior who is about to graduate. 
2 - Parent - the parent of a current or former student 
3 - Friend - a person who is not an alum nor a parent
6 - Corporation
CS - Current Student

These codes are used for federal fundraising reporting. They should not be changed, except by Development.

If you have a question about a source code, or believe it might be wrong, contact Joan Goularte, (X4344) directly.

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